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Queen of Hearts

About Art Therapy

How It Works

Research shows that the healthy expression of emotion reduces anxiety, boosts self-esteem and confidence, improves cognition, and positively impacts physical, emotional, and health.  Art therapy, as a practice, facilitates the movement of emotion from a non-verbal, non-linear place of feeling that may otherwise be inaccessible,  manifesting as anxiety, depression, undesirable "mental health symptoms," and problematic behaviors like disrespect toward parents, self-injury, eating disorders, high-volume screen time, social anxiety, etc. 


Art therapy "plays a significant role in alleviating depression symptoms and anxiety" Gussak (2007)  by allowing emotion to move through the body easily and authentically without judgment and without thought. 


Creative expression puts us in connection with the hard-to-express/hard-to-feel places that would otherwise be subject to the judgment of the mind, aka EGO DEFENSES, which show up as EATING DISORDERS,  SELF-INJURY, and OCD behaviors. 

The Therapeutic Art Work Experience

Healing through Collage Work 

Using pre-made images and words to help connect with feelings is useful for the hard to express feeling places. Art was done by 14 y/o female processing feelings related to peer relationships. 

Healing through Collage Work

Healing through Self Portraiture

Self-portraiture provides an outlet for visualizing self-perception, hurts, and beliefs about self, while also providing creative license to imagine what could be. This work was done by a 15 y/o old female who titled this piece "Confused."

Healing through Self Portraiture

Healing through the "Scribble Chase"

This is a technique used to facilitate engagement between client and therapist. It is a collaborate piece where both therapist and client create the final works, starting from unrecognizable images (scribbles) and identifying solid, cohesive themes.  This work was a collaboration between myself and an 11-year-old female with anxiety

Healing through the "Scribble Chase"

Healing through Clay and Other Mixed Media Sensory Tools

Working with clay and other mixed media can capture feelings and spark creativity. Different textures correspond to different feelings places, for example, using clay 

Healing through Clay

Healing through Free Draw

"Free Draws" are pure creative expressions. No direction is given for the session, only the release of whatever colors and textures want to be created given the present emotional state. A 19y/o female learning did this work to express her anger in a healthy, non-self-injurious way. 

Healing through Free Draw

Healing through Mask-Making

Similar to self-portraiture, mask-making can give insights into self-perception, where things need to improve, and where traits can be celebrated.  Below you will see a mask made by a 17 y/o female who is beginning to "see her growth" (the grass growing as eye lashes! ) 

Healing through Mask-Making
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